As I was helping a friend the other night via text to pick lights for her bathrooms, I was once again lecturing that this was not a place to cut corners.  Her electrician had warned her that updating her bathroom with a light over each sink rather than the single one in the middle from the 80's would cost her more money.  I argue that is not actually true.

The vanity is one of the number one task areas in your home, and it is critical to be well lit.

Yes, the electrician will have to add two junction boxes and patch the original hole.  Yes he will charge you for this.  However, your return on investment will deliver in spades.  The vanity is one of the number one task areas in your home, and it is critical to be well lit.  Nobody wants to shave in the dark or look, or have a face lit only on one side while applying makeup.  It is paramount that the lighting is even on both sides of each sink.  You will be amazed how many shadows you have across your face when not evenly lit adding decades to your face.  Who wants that?

As we age, lighting continues to become more important.  Don't sell this space short.  Little kids grow into teens.  Parents will age.  It's a sad fact.  But if you light your bathroom properly, it will work for decades to come.

Etiquetados: Bathroom Lighting Vanity